Guidelines for Yoga practice:
Before, during and
after yoga practice following guidelines will give better results:
Right time: Early Morning, empty stomach is the best time to do
yoga. It gives the maximum benefits. If you want to do it in the afternoon or
in the evening then you should not eat or drink tea 3 hours before.
Place: It should be clean and a silent place It is better to practice yoga on a yoga mat or
a carpet.
Practice: If you practice 60 minutes yoga and meditation
everyday you will start getting results very soon. Patience is very important for yoga practice.
Air : Its really good to practice yoga in fresh air. Switch off all fans and
air cooling while practicing.
Energy : While doing meditation you can take a blanket or shawl over you. As in
meditation body releases lot of energy. This energy helps in stronger immune
system and experience peace.
Silence : While practicing do not talk. Switch off TV and Mobile phone. This are
very private moments.
Liquid: Immediately after drinking coffee or tea, don’t do yoga practice. Allow
minimum 2.30 hours.
Water: Right after yoga practice do not drink water. Emergency is exceptional.
After 1 hour or so you can drink normal temperature water. Do not drink very
cold water as it will increase your body pain and other problems.
How many times: Once a day yoga practices are recommended. In case of
some problem/disease minimum recommended twice daily. This will give better
Awareness: During practice you should have full attention, concentration and
awareness. Where ever you have pressure or stretch or pain you should take your
awareness to that place. You will have better and faster results.
Reaction: Try not to give any negative reaction to your pain or stretch or
pressure. First accept the pain and then treat it. Negative reaction towards
the pain increases the pain.
Ability: Observe your abilities and
capacities. Practice yoga
Pain : Often, in the beginning one
might feel that body starts paining or pain is increasing, because normally
body is not used to practicing yoga.
Practicing Yoga starts opening some muscles andjoints which cause the pain
initially. But for good results continue practicing yoga.
Turmeric: During the first week of practice if you have pain in your body you
can drink one cup hot milk for one week before going to sleep. Mix one tablespoon
of turmeric powder. If you don’t have diabetes you can also put some sugar in
Thinking: While practicing, each moment positive thinking will take you to the
way of excellent results from yoga.
Pain Killers: Pain killers may cure the symptoms but unable to
eradicate the cause of pains on longer run. Yoga helps to take the pain out
from its root cause.
Vata and Kapha : Air or Vata when it is imbalanced it causes a lot
of pain in the body. Kapha bring heaviness. Avoid vata prone foods like rice,
yogurt, banana, beans, etc. before going to bed.
Waist: With yoga practice keep your waist in shape and order, as per Ayurveda
most of diseases occur from imbalanced belly.
Rest : Balancing is yoga – Lord Krishna. Awareness towards balance should be
the priority. In the beginning keep eyes open. when
more comfortable then close the eyes. If you cannot do Yoga asana in standing
position then you can take help of the wall.
Mind :Its rightly said “If you win
the mind you win the world.”
you are practicing the asana’s put your whole concentration in it. Don’t take
your mind in the future to make plans or in the past while practicing.
Prana :In most of the practices keep regular breathing. Do not hold breath
unless guided.
Regularly : It is very important to practice yoga regularly. you
can do it according to the time available for better results.
Action and Relaxation: After every Action there must be Relaxation. This
gives higher and better results.
Stamina : You may increase the speed of the practice slowly. Increase the time
of practice gradually; first week start 40 minutes, next week 50 minutes and
then do it for 60 minutes. This will build-up stamina.
If you are not able to
understand this and you want to try this practically yourself then you can contact Paramanand
Institute of yoga. Address is given below:
Paramanand Ashram
Khandwa Road, Gram
Limbodi, Indore, MP 452020, India
omanandji@gmail.com; 91-731-3261742
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