Friday, 18 July 2014


Sanskrit word ‘Kundal’ means coil or spiral.  Kundalini derived from the word ‘Kunda’ or ‘Kundal’. ‘Kunda’ means well or pit. Kundalini means Shakti or power in the form of a coil or spiral which is often compared with a serpent while resting or sleeping. "Kundalinî  is coiled serpent power.
There are many references in ancient and sacred scriptures of Indian Yoga.

“The Kundalini is ever The Master of Yoga."   "Mother of Yoga" and  “The Bestower of Yoga." - RY (Ch.2.26 / 21,22,41)

The invincible Kundalini Shakti pierces the six chakras and enters its abode slowly step by step.’  - SL

Kundalini Shakti is called the basic force of the body. - MM (Ch. 6),
Kundalini is called the supreme power.    - VU (5.51)
When Kundalini Shakti rises above its resting point (the kunda), the yogi attains liberation.   - YSP (6.55)
Kundalini is a virgin energy which moves like a ardent wife and destroys all evils, and, by its slight movement, through its fiery energy, penetrates all centres.  - YV.
Kundalini is the eternal supreme consciousness, which is both with and without attributes. - HYP
Kundalini is the primeval cosmic energy in every individual which eventually, through the practice of yoga, rises up the Sushumnâ nâdî. As it rises, the Kunalinî awakens each successive chakra.
Nirvikalpa samâdhi, enlightenment, comes as Kundalini penetrates through the door of Brahman at the core of the Sahasrâra and enters.
“The union of Shiva (Divine Father) and Shakti (Divine Mother) is complete creation. We also express that the union of the Father and Holy Spirit is the whole of God…. Therefore, both Eastern and Western religious traditions agree on." (Christopher. 2002)
Many scholars see a correlation with what the East calls Chi, Kundalini or Prana, and the Holy Spirit in the west. These are manifestations of Shakti, or the Goddess (or Divine Mother). The Holy Spirit is subtle force that connects us to the universe and gives us life.
In Saguna (with attributes) the supreme consciousness is often personified as Kundalini as an aspect of the Divine Mother. In Nirguna (without attribute less) aspect Kundalini is expressed as the power of cosmic consciousness and is pure consciousness.
Ancient scriptures describe Kundalini in three different manifestations:
  1. Un-manifest cosmic energy - Para-kundalini.
  2. Vital energy of the created universe - Prana-kundalini.
  3. Consciousness: - Shakti-kundalini.

From Sahastrar (Crown chakra) Shakti-kundalini flows with higher awareness, revealed of all mantras, and the eternal source of bliss. Shristi Krama (Shristi=creation, Krma= process) leads her through all chakras. She sustains in the Mooladhar chakra. Through laya karma (process of absorption), she destroys and/or dissolves by ascending and returning to Sahastrar chakra.

Jagan Mohini (world bewilder) is the form of Shakti when it goes down to lower chakras. This causes Maya: delusion, limitation, ignorance, and ensnarement in material and worldly life.

“Having filled the pathway of the Nadis with the streaming shower of nectar flowing from the Lotus feet, having resumed own position from out of the Lunar regions and Thyself assuming the form of a serpent of three and a half coils, sleepiest thou, in the hollow of Kula Kunda (Kula Kunda means the hollow of Mooladhar Sacrum bone). Thou art residing in secrecy with Thy Lord (The spirit) in the thousand petal Lotus, having pierced through the Earth situated in ‘Mooladhar’, the Water in Manipur, the Fire in Svadhisthana, the Air in the Heart (Anahat), the Ether above (Visshuddhi) and ‘Manas’ between the eyebrows (Agya) and thus broken through the entire ‘Kula Path’.“ - SL

“The Kundalini is the base of absolute knowledge.”   –YV

‘‘Kundalini is one of the greatest Shakti and to awake this energy one has to awake each body progressively. First to balance all bodies, Yam and Niyams are to be followed. Then for balancing gross body, one need to perform Asana. Certain Asana like Siddhasana and others are recommended for preparations.   After a series of asana, one can start certain Pranyama techniques, like Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika or Kapalbhati and others, to purify the Prana Body.

After powerful Pranayam, higher purity happens, then one can jump into Pratyahara. This will be withdrawal from the senses, to become introvert. Pratyahara will help in purification of the mind body.
Thereafter one can start Dharana(focus). This will help in concentration of energy for higher awakening. Here a state of Dhyan comes, in which Shakti starts travelling through the Sushumna and the chakras.

With deep purification of 72000 nadis and entire body, all Chakras get activated and open. Thereafter Kundalini is able to rise up from Mooladhar to Shastrar.  During this process, may siddhis or yogic powers can be experienced by the yogi as mentioned by Mahrishi Patanjali in Vibhuti Pada of Yoga Sutras. But if one is not purified completely or these powers are misused or mishandled, then these powers can ruin the aspirant.
Scriptures recommend that to follow this path a knowledgeable yogi should be approached and submit the request for this knowledge with humility to become his disciple. Then one can learn these techniques deeper and in a more detailed manner.
“Siddha Asana is the main asana for awakening the Kundalini among all asana.”             - HYP (1/39)

“There are two types of purification practices: samanu(mental) and nirmanu(non-mental).” - GS (5/36)

Following cleaning processes (dhauti) techniques:

  1. antar-dhauti (inner cleansing) consisting of the following four techniques:
(a) vata-sara (air process), which is done by inhaling through the mouth and expelling the air through the lower passage.
(b) vari-sara (water process), which is done by sipping water until the stomach is completely filled and expelling it through the lower passage.
(c) vahni-sara (fire process), which is done by pushing the navel one hundred times back toward the spine, which increased the gastric fire.
(d) bahish-kriya (external action), which is done by sucking in air through the mouth until the stomach is filled, retaining it for ninety minutes, and then expelling it through the lower passage; this is followed by one's standing in navel-deep water and pushing out the lower intestinal tract for cleansing;

2.    danta-dhauti (dental cleansing), which includes cleaning the teeth, the tongue, as well as the ears and frontal sinuses,

  1. hrid-dhauti (heart cleansing), which consists of (a) introducing the stalk of a plantain, turmeric, or cane into the throat to clean it out; (b) filling the stomach with water and then expelling it through the mouth; (c) swallowing a long strip of thin cloth and then pulling it out again (a process called vastra dhauti, cloth cleansing).
  2. mula-shodhana (rectal cleansing), which is done by means of turmeric, water, or the middle finger.


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